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Oklahoma City Hotel Occupancy Tax Increase Passes to Improve Horse Show Facilities

by By the National Reining Horse Association/Oklahoma State Fair Park | Dec 28, 2004, 3:09 AM

The December 14 landslide approval by Oklahoma City voters to increase the hotel/motel occupancy tax has ensured Oklahoma City will have the world-class facilities befitting the "Horse Show Capital of the World." Raising the current hotel/motel occupancy tax from 2% to 5.5% is estimated to generate $4.5 million annually, which will be dedicated to funding an estimated $55 million in proposed improvements to the horse show facilities at the Oklahoma State Fair Park. "First and foremost, I want...

Meagan Drew Named 2004 Junior Equestrian of the Year

by Sarah Lane | Dec 23, 2004, 1:47 PM

Lexington, KY —Meagan Drew may not have started out as a cookie cutter equestrian, but then again, her break-the-mold approach may have been the leg up she needed to claim success in and out of the show ring. “I cleaned stalls two summers in a row every day so I could ride horses and take lessons,” says the 18 year old Drew. “It wasn’t my mom writing a check—it was something I had to do. It made me appreciate the lessons I did get and it made me work harder....

Foreign Rider License No Longer Required

by Sarah Lane | Dec 23, 2004, 1:46 PM

Lexington, KY —The USEF Executive Committee, on December 21, 2005, approved extraordinary rule changes to the Federation rules regarding the Foreign Rider License. These changes will become effective on January 1, 2005 in conjunction with the new FEI General Regulations. These changes, which can be viewed at , now provide that a non–U.S. Citizen may compete in USEF national competitions with proof, in...

Competition Date Approval Task Force Recommendations Posted For Review on USEF Website,

by By Maria Partlow | Dec 22, 2004, 9:38 AM

USEF Archive ( ) For the past nine months the USEF Competition Date Approval Task Force has worked on a major overhaul of the current “Mileage Rule” which dictates how competition dates are awarded to horse show organizers. As the Task Force examined the process it became apparent that several other important issues involved in the awarding of dates were critical to the improvement of equestrian competition in the United States. These involved the licensing of competitions; establishment and...

FEI World Endurance Championship, Dubai (UAE), January 26–27, 2005

by Sarah Evers | Dec 22, 2004, 9:35 AM

The Organizing Committee of the World Endurance Championships, which are taking place next month in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, have confirmed that they have received definite entries for 188 horses from 41 nations. The horses are all due to start arriving in Dubai around January 8, allowing them time to acclimatize ahead of the competition which takes place on January 26-27, 2005. At the final trial, which took place in Dubai last weekend held at the Dubai Endurance Village, the...

Task Force On Doping And Medication Policy

by Sarah Evers | Dec 22, 2004, 9:32 AM

The FEI Task force on Doping and Medication Control held its first meeting in Lausanne on December 15, 2004. Chaired by Sven Holmberg (Sweden), the Task Force heard submissions from the FEI Legal Department, the FEI Communications department, the Chairman of the FEI Medication Sub Committee Andrew Higgins (Great Britain), and the Chairman of the FEI Judicial Committee Ken Lalo (Israel). The areas covered in the day long meeting included: - The difference between Medication Control and Doping -...

2005 USET Foundation “Festival of Champions” Postponed

by Sarah Evers | Dec 22, 2004, 9:28 AM

Gladstone, New Jersey (December 21, 2004) – The United States Equestrian Team Foundation (USET Foundation) announced that the Festival of Champions would not be held in 2005. The main reason for the decision was the need for the USET Foundation to focus its efforts and resources on a new fundraising campaign to be launched in 2005. Foundation officials stressed that, while the fundraising efforts must take precedence over the Festival of Champions, steps are being taken to properly plan for a...

USEF Honors Hawkins and LaCroix with 2004 Awards of Merit

by Sarah Lane | Dec 21, 2004, 4:23 AM

Lexington, KY —Following in the footsteps of Victor Hugo-Vidal and Mrs. F.D. Sinclaire, the late Stephen Hawkins and the late Dr. Eugene LaCroix have been named the newest honorees for the United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) Awards of Merit. Named for Richard E. McDevitt, AHSA President from 1975-1987, the Award of Merit is given in memory of an individual or individuals who have passed away during the competition year, and who have given “meritorious service to equestrian...

Sponsor Slots Selling Fast for United States Equestrian Federation 2005 Annual Meeting

by severs | Dec 16, 2004, 11:39 AM

Sponsor Slots Selling Fast for USEF 2005 Annual Meeting Sponsor slots are selling fast, but a limited number of spaces are still available for the USEF's 2005 Annual Meeting. Known to attract the most influential equestrians and decision-makers in the sport, the 2005 Annual Meeting will be hosted at Louisville’s prestigious Seelbach Hilton Hotel, January 12-16. Two Platinum sponsorships remain—offering, by far, the most exclusive opportunities for name recognition and...

AAEP 50th Annual Convention Enjoys Record Attendance

by By Sally Baker, AAEP | Dec 16, 2004, 10:00 AM

AAEP ( ) Nearly 6,300 veterinary professionals, guests and exhibitors attended the American Association of Equine Practitioners’ (AAEP) 50th Annual Convention in Denver, Co, breaking the meeting’s attendance record once again. The convention, held December 4-8, featured nearly 100 scientific presentations, a sold-out trade show and successful equine health seminar for horse owners. "Once again, Dr. Scott Palmer and the Program Committee outdid themselves," said David Foley, AAEP...