Enter the USEF Winter Sweepstakes for your chance to win a trip to Wellington for the US Equestrian Open Jumping Final. Enter the sweepstakes at usef.org/sweepstakes.

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MemberPerks is much more than a cost savings program for some of the best retailers and services. It's a link to a special collection of companies that support equestrian sport. All US Equestrian members and employees can participate in these exclusive offers.

For more information on each individual MemberPerk, simply click on the logos below. Details on what the MemberPerk entails, as well as instructions on how to utilize the MemberPerk can be found below the logo.

Active US Equestrian Members – be sure that you are signed into your member account so that you are able to view promotional discount codes and print off store discount cards, all from one convenient location!

If you would like to find out more about how you can become a MemberPerks sponsor, contact Layson Griffin, by phone at 859 225 6942 or via e-mail at [email protected].