Breaking News
USEF is working with agencies helping equine populations in the wake of the California wildfires. If you want to aid their efforts, please donate to our Equine Disaster Relief Fund.
Enter the USEF Winter Sweepstakes for your chance to win a trip to Wellington for the US Equestrian Open Jumping Final. Enter the sweepstakes at

Safe Sport: For Junior Competitors

US Equestrian is committed to keeping our youngest athletes safe. This webpage was designed to help our junior competitors (those under 18 years of age). Safe Sport is a major piece in the puzzle towards ensuring a safe environment in sport for all athletes. Below you will find helpful resources, both from US Equestrian and from the Center for SafeSport. From flyers on bullying and mental health resources, to trainings for kids and teens on Safe Sport, this is a great starting point. At the end of the day, we want to ensure to the best of our ability that all competitors, but especially our junior competitors can compete safely and grow their love of horses and equestrian sport.

Safe Sport 101

Abuse Bullying Grooming

US Equestrian Resources

MAAPP (Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies) Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies (MAAPP) - Spanish Translation Safe Sport Training (turning 18) Mental Health Resources Report Misconduct or Abuse

U.S. Center for SafeSport Resources

U.S. Center for SafeSport U.S. Center for SafeSport Courses for Minors *parental consent required Digital Citizenship 24 Hour Help Line
