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FEI Veterinary Committee News on Salicylates

by From the Federation Equestre Internationale Bulletin | Nov 4, 2004, 2:19 AM

Reminder: Salicylates (Aspirin)
The 2004 FEI General Assembly agreed to change the threshold for salicylates in line with the proposals submitted by the Veterinary Committee. The previous thresholds for salicylates were 750 ug/ml in urine and 6.5 ug/ml in plasma. Experiences in testing have indicated that abuse of salicylates was possible by administration of low doses without exceeding the threshold.

An extensive study on 650 samples for the salicylate content and a subsequent bio-statistical analysis of the results indicated that a decrease of the threshold was possible, thereby making abuse of the substance more difficult. The study results indicated that a decrease to 625 ug/ml in urine and 5.4 ug/ml in plasma was feasible. This outcome was submitted as a proposed rule change by the Veterinary Committee to the General Assembly and accepted. Consequently, salicylate levels exceeding this new threshold will now lead to a judicial follow up. These rule changes were published on the FEI website immediately following the General Assembly. The new FEI thresholds have also been discussed in the 2004 International Conference of Racing Analysts and Veterinarians (ICRAV) in order to keep Racing informed of developments within the FEI.

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