Breaking News
USEF is working with agencies helping equine populations in the wake of the California wildfires. If you want to aid their efforts, please donate to our Equine Disaster Relief Fund.
Enter the USEF Winter Sweepstakes for your chance to win a trip to Wellington for the US Equestrian Open Jumping Final. Enter the sweepstakes at

The purpose of the USEF Developing Athlete Program for Combined Driving is to provide guidance and educational resources to cultivate selected athlete/horse combinations who display the potential to improve the national standard of the sport and eventually contribute to a U.S. Team score at Driving World Championships. Athletes wishing to be part of the Program must apply. If accepted into the Program, athletes will be recognized as Developing group “A” or Developing group “B”, with group “A” requiring a higher standard for competition results. Athletes in both groups will set performance and training targets agreed upon and re-assessed on an annual basis with the Athlete Advisor. Athletes’ personal trainers are encouraged to attend training sessions and collaborate with the Program. Accepted Developing Athletes will be expected to attend identified training and education sessions and must show continual improvement towards their targets and key performance indicators (KPIs) at their appropriate level to remain in the program. The USEF Developing Athlete Working Group oversees this program.

Please read the complete program outline, attached below.

Contact:  Amber LesterAthlete Advisor

(352) 209-3702  | [email protected]


Steven Morrissey

859-225-2052 | [email protected]

Donate and Support

Donations for the USEF Developing Athlete program are managed by the United States Equestrian Team Foundation (USET) in Gladstone, New Jersey. Please contact the USET about the many different options to support our Driving Teams: 908-234-1251

Donations can also be made online:

Select "International Developing Driver Fund" for the Fund Destination. Thank you for contributing to our Teams!

Additional Resources

2023 Developing Athlete Program

Approved by the Driving Sport Committee on 12/14/2022

Developing Athlete Program Members

Updated 2/2023

Developing Athlete Program - 2023 Clinic & Webinar Schedule

As of 5/31/23

Group 'A' Additional Benefits - Criteria & Application

DAP 'Addendum A' - approved by the Driving Sport Committee on 5/6/2020

Developing Athlete Working Group

Approved 2/20/23

Online Application instructions

Applications Open in May and November of Each Year