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US Equestrian Approves Additional COVID-19-Related Rule Modifications for 2020

by US Equestrian Communications Department | Jun 5, 2020, 6:30 PM

The United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) has approved additional modifications to USEF rules in accordance with a resolution approved by the Board of Directors to address issues related to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. A summary of the most recent modifications is listed below, and the full content of each modification has been added to the comprehensive listing of modifications and appears in blue font. The full listing of rule modifications related to COVID-19 impacts can be viewed by clicking here. Additional rule modifications continue to be reviewed and will be published when approved.

In an effort to minimize the risk of virus transmission through the physical handling of paper, modifications have been to made to rules allowing for judges’ cards and score sheets to be stamped as opposed to hand-signed, and adding the requirement for submitting all USEF Medication Report Forms electronically unless online submission is absolutely impossible.

The modifications listed below are effective immediately and remain in effect for the remainder of the 2020 competition year.

Rule Modification for Judge Signatures


16. Judges’ cards and/or official score sheets are to be signed by the judge and retained (with the exception of score sheets returned to the exhibitor) as part of the competition’s official records for a period of no less than three years. Electronic signatures through a PDA or similar device used to record scores will fulfill the signature requirement. Judges’ cards and/or official score sheets may be signed with a stamp.

Rule Modification for Medication Report Forms


1. A horse and/or pony exhibiting at a Licensed Competition pursuant to the Therapeutic Substance Provisions that receives any medication which contains a prohibited substance is not eligible for competition unless all of the following requirements have been met and the facts are furnished in writing on a timely-submitted official Equine Drugs and Medications Report Form online:


  1. Equine Drugs and Medications Report Form filed with the Steward/Technical Delegate or Designated Competition Office Representative within 1 hour after administration or one hour after the Steward/Technical Delegate or Designated Competition Office Representative returns to duty if administration is at a time other than during competition hours. If an online form cannot be submitted due to lack of internet or phone service, a paper form may be submitted. This option must only be used when submitting the online form is impossible.
  1. The Steward, Technical Delegate, or Designated Competition Office Representative must sign and record the time of receipt on the paper Equine Drugs and Medications Report Forms.



2. Where all the requirements of GR411 have been fully complied with, the information contained in said Equine Drugs and Medications Report Form and any other relevant evidence will be considered by the Federation in determining whether a rule violation was committed by any person(s) responsible or accountable for the condition of the horse and/or pony under the provisions of this rule. NOTE: The official Equine Drugs and Medications Report Form is available on the Federation website from the officiating Steward/Technical Delegate and/or Competition Secretary. Paper Medication Report Forms must only be used when it is impossible to submit an online form. All required information must be included when filing a report. Failure to satisfy and follow all the requirements of this Rule and to supply all of the information required by such Equine Drugs and Medications Report Form is a violation of the rules. The Steward/Technical Delegate must report any known violations of this Rule to the Federation for such further action as may be deemed appropriate.

3. Flunixin, in addition to one other substance listed in GR410 (a) through (g), may be found in the same plasma and/or urine sample of a horse under the following conditions and for the treatment of colic or an ophthalmic emergency only: (i) must comply with GR411.1; (ii) the flunixin must have been administered by a veterinarian; (iii) the required medication report form must be signed by the administering veterinarian submitted appropriately and comply with GR411; and (iv) the horse must be withdrawn from competition for 24 hours following the administration.



2. The above exceptions are permitted only when (i) the substance is administered by a licensed veterinarian and no less than 6 hours prior to competing; and (ii) the “Trainer” as defined under General Rule 404 properly files, or causes to be properly filed, an Equine Drugs and Medications Report Form with the Steward/Technical Delegate or competition office representative within 1 hour after the administration of the substance or one hour after the Steward/Technical Delegate or competition office representative returns to duty if the administration occurs at a time outside competition hours. The Steward/Technical Delegate or competition office representative shall sign and record the time of receipt on the Equine Drugs and Medications Report Form.

4. Shockwave therapy may only be administered by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian. If sedation is required for shockwave therapy, only sedation performed by a licensed veterinarian and administered at the same time as the shockwave therapy will be considered therapeutic and GR411 will apply. No sedation associated with shockwave therapy will be considered therapeutic if administered within 24 hours prior to competition. No horse may be treated with shockwave therapy within the 3 days preceding competition with the following exception:

a. Shockwave therapy may be administered by a licensed veterinarian within the 3-day prohibited period, but no closer than 12 hours prior to competing, and is limited to application to the back and dorsal pelvis areas. No shockwave therapy is permitted within the 12 hours prior to competing. This exception is permitted only when the “Trainer” as defined under GR404 properly files, or causes to be properly filed, an Equine Drugs and Medications Report Form with the Steward/Technical Delegate or competition office representative within 1 hour after the administration of Shockwave Therapy or one hour after the Steward/Technical Delegate or competition office representative returns to duty if the administration occurs at a time outside competition hours. The Steward/Technical Delegate or competition office representative shall sign and record the time of receipt on the Equine Drugs and Medications Report Form.




3. Forms – The following forms must be submitted in a timely manner to:


5. Paper Medication Report Forms, filed either with the Steward/Technical Delegate or Designated Competition Office Representative, must be sent to the USEF Office of Equine Drugs and Medications, 956 King Avenue, Columbus, OH 43212-2655. Paper Medication Report Forms must only be used when it is impossible to submit an online form.



3. The Designated Competition Office Representative will be responsible to collect, date, sign, and issue receipt for all the paper Medication Report Forms submitted. Additionally, all paper Medication Report Forms are to be given to the Steward/ Technical Delegate on a daily basis. It is the Steward’s/Technical Delegate’s sole responsibility to inspect, sign, and return all the Medications Report Forms to the Federation office. Paper Medication Report Forms must only be used when it is impossible to submit an online form.