Watch Geoff Teall’s overview of the show hunter discipline, an exclusively North American sport, and his thoughts on what qualities make an ideal show hunter.
About This Video
Judge, trainer, and rider Geoff Teall introduces the show hunter discipline, which has its origins in English foxhunting but is an exclusively North American competitive pursuit. The sport includes horse show classes both on the flat and over fences, with obstacles designed in a natural style that reflects the discipline’s foxhunting origins.
To learn more about hunters and hunter seat equitation, please visit the United States Hunter Jumper Association and US Equestrian’s hunter and hunter/jumping seat equitation pages.
Key Principles:
- Origins in Foxhunting
- Turnout is Key
- Hunter Judging
- Over Fences Classes
- Under Saddle Classes
- Model Hunters
Additional Information
About The Expert

Geoff Teall has more than 30 years of expertise in the hunter industry. As a trainer, Teall has trained champions at major national horse shows and finals in both hunter and equitation divisions. Teall's accomplishments include being named 2006 Chronicle of the Horse Show Hunter Horseman of the Year as well as 2006 United States Hunter Jumper Association Volunteer of the Year. He also is the author of the book Geoff Teall on Riding Hunters, Jumpers, and Equitation: Developing a Winning Style.
Teall is a United States Equestrian Federation "R" Judge and has judged such shows as the National Horse Show, Washington International Horse Show, Royal Winter Fair, Winter Equestrian Festival, WIHS Equitation Finals, ASPCA Regional Finals, and the 2007 Medal Finals. Teall has served as a director on the USHJA's board and currently is chair of US Equestrian's National Hunter Committee.