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Applications Now Open for USEF Endurance Competition and Licensed Officials Grants

by US Equestrian Communications Dept. | Jan 3, 2024, 12:00 PM

Lexington, Ky. – US Equestrian is now accepting applications for the Endurance Competition Grant and Endurance Licensed Officials Grant. Applications for both grants are due February 1, 2024.

USEF Endurance Competition Grant

The purpose of this grant is to support U.S-based FEI endurance competitions in order to maintain a healthy calendar of competitions within the U.S.

Eligibility: Competitions must be licensed with USEF and sanctioned by the FEI as an endurance competition.

Restrictions: Competitions may only apply for one grant each year, and grant amounts will be determined by available funds and number of applications. Grants are not guaranteed and subject to approval.

Payments: Grant amounts will be communicated by March 1, 2024. Grant checks will be mailed to the competition within two weeks following the end of competition.

Application: Download the USEF Endurance Competition Grant application here.

USEF Licensed Officials Grant

The intent of this grant is to support USEF endurance licensed officials and maintain a healthy number of officials licensed in the U.S. The grant offers financial support for USEF endurance licensed officials who are seeking education and experience.

Eligibility: Applicants must be in good standing with the USEF and, if applicable, the FEI at the time of application and must adhere to all USEF and/or FEI requirements and trainings for the applicable role, or seeking a USEF or FEI endurance license or promotion (with proof from the USEF Licensed Officials Department).

Restrictions: Licensed officials may only apply for one grant each year, and grant amounts will be determined by available funds and number of applications. Grants are not guaranteed and subject to approval.

Payments: Grant checks will be mailed to the licensed official following receipt of expense receipts for reimbursement. To receive the grant payment, the Licensed Official must provide any and all receipts for reimbursement by November 30th of the year in which they are receiving the grant.

Application: Download the USEF Endurance Licensed Official Grant application here.

Completed applications for both grants must be submitted to Nicole Zerbee, USEF Director of Endurance, by Feb. 1, 2024.

Questions? Contact Nicole Zerbee at [email protected] or 859-225-6952.

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Keep up with U.S. Endurance by following USA Endurance on Facebook and US Equestrian on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok.

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Disciplines: Endurance